Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Picture Says...

Givenchy. Haute Couture.
Those three words are enough to give me cold sweats. Those three words make me want to dump my Mastercard into the hands of a sales associate for just one piece.
I often find the Haute Couture collections beautiful but painfully impractical and utterly unobtainable.
But this Givenchy Haute Couture skirt by Ricardo Tisci makes my credit card (and heart) go pitter patter. I love the richness of the black; the way that the waistline curves around the hips. I like the fact that the zipper pulls are works of art and not pieces of metal engraved with some obscure company's initials. Anyone can do a contrasting lining, but who does a lining like this? You get the sense that the inside of this skirt is as beautiful as the outside. (Very few things irk me as much as when the inside or back of a garment is neglected like a red-headed stepchild.) I spend 50% of my life arriving and 50% of it leaving. I'd like to look good both ways.

And so here is to fashion. And art. And dreaming...

(Photo by Karim Sadli in Elle June 2012, Page 286).

My Favorite Things...

As my 1.5 readers have noticed I have been absent from my blog for quite some time. A lot of it has been pure laziness, but some of it has been due to photos. I take terrible pictures. Yes... I am Asian, I hate rice, and I take terrible pictures. There I said it.

I look at my favorite food and fashion blogs, and I am blown away by the photography. And while some would argue that blogs are about "content", I want to see pictures. Well now that I have a phone with a semi-respectable camera, I can start working on my piss-poor camera skills. No one is going to nominate me for a photography award, but it is certainly better than anything my Blackberry could have coughed up from its HD card.

So now... finally I am going to share some of my favorite things. Yes... I'm branching out from just food. Don't get me wrong, I love food. Am actually obsessed, but I need to branch out. It might be good for my waistline.

So let me tell you about Ayaka Nishi. (
Ayaka Nishi is a young NYC jewelry designer. She came from Japan to study at the Fashion Institute of Technology, and after graduation she cut her proverbial jewelry teeth with Phlip Crangi and Justin Giunta of Subversive (a pretty impressive way to start). I first read about her in Elle or Bazaar... I can't remember which and since then I've been searching for her designs.

Her designs are handcrafted and seem to walk the fine line between nature and science. She has collections that are inspired by human anatomy, plant cells and cobwebs. Her pieces are delicate but not dainty; unique but not overwrought.

But I digress... I finally tracked down more of her items at Old Hollywood Moxie in Greenpoint. Tiffany and Maya let me try on everything; they were so nice and this store is a gem (more on them later). I think this little spine ring may want to come home with me one day.